2006 Santa’s International Visitors Center

Light Count = 276,800

Opening Ceremonies: December 1, 2006 – Friday night at 6:30 p.m.

Over 265,000 Christmas lights will light up the night sky. Join us for the opening ceremonies. Folks will gather in the street in front of Deacon Dave’s House of the Dove and wait for the beautiful Christmas procession that will come down Hillcrest Avenue. The property will be darkened until the procession arrives and the Rev. Deacon announces the Theme.

The Colorful Christmas procession is a must see if you have not been to the opening ceremonies. The Livermore/Granada Chorus, Dove Banners, Brightly decorated Christmas banners and garland, Flags of the Nations, Roman Catholic Altar Servers in their Red and White Cassocks, Giant White Dove kites, Candles and yes even the Rev. Deacon himself, and more. This night is a wonderful way to begin the Advent Christmas Season.

Since some streets will be temporarily closed it is suggested that you arrive a half hour early for a good spot or line the sidewalks on Hillcrest Ave from Casa del Pomba (House of the Dove) toward upper Hillcrest to Fordham Way. Join in the Christmas Spirit of this Opening Night.

The 2006 Christmas Theme Remains a Secret! The Theme will not be announced until the Opening night. Deacon Dave and his Crew are very, very tight lipped. Try as you might, You can’t get them to slip up and give the theme. Hmmmm! Wonder what it could be?????????????

2006 Blessing

May all who pass thru these gatesof the House of the Dove

receive special blessings in this Holy Season of Christmas

from our Heavenly Father.

We pray this year especially for

the children of the world,

our future and hope for

world peace.

God holds the little ones

closest to him.

Lord God, we ask you to protect

the little children from abuse

and violence in the world. Give them loving families, warmth,

and food. Shower themwith Your radiant love.

Give comfort to parents

who have lost a child.

May each and every light bulb

represent a prayer for the children

of the world. May our prayer rise to you on the wings of the Dove.